English for

General Communication

Starting from
STEP eLearn

Working Professionals

Starting from
STEP for Working Professionals

Competitive Exams

Starting from
STEP for Competitive Exams


Starting from

Formats to match your Learning Style

STEP - Sample coach calls
STEP - Sample coach calls

Learn at your own pace!

  1. 800+ on-demand, engaging online video lessons using real-life contexts.

  2. Activities and tests to practise your English.

  3. Unlimited access, available on both web and app.

  4. All courses customised by our experts, just for you!

STEP - Sample coach calls
STEP - Sample coach calls

Interact with your trainers face-to-face!

  1. Face-to-face training for groups at colleges and corporates.

  2. Courses customized as per organization's needs.

STEP - Sample coach calls
STEP - Sample coach calls

A great way to supplement your English learning!

  1. Scheduled Online Classes where you can see your trainer live.

  2. Enjoy interacting with the trainer and fellow learners through chat, polls and online exercises.

STEP - Sample coach calls
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STEP - Sample coach calls

Possibilities are endless with STEP Coach!

  1. One-on-one phone calls with English experts (Coach).

  2. Scheduled as per your convenience.

  3. Personalised to your requirements and capabilities.



With STEP, you’ll find yourself communicating confidently! STEP determines
your current language level and provides learning content personalized for you.

Impacted over 3-million learners to date!

Variety of learning options
Variety of learning options: video lessons, one-on-one phone calls with trainers, live classes
Flexible learning
Flexible learning Access from anywhere at a time convenient for you (Tablet / Mobile / Laptop / Desktop)
Content relevant for Indian
Content relevant for Indian contexts - relatable accents and situations
Interactive Audio/Video assessment
Interactive Audio/Video assessment for better engagement and effective learning
International Standards
Learning and assessment aligned to International Standards (CEFR Scale)
Very affordable
Plenty of options - Very affordable
Customizable adaptive learning
Completely customizable adaptive learning content to suit YOUR needs
The Hindu Group
From The Hindu Group, a brand built on trust and integrity The Hindu Group

Are you a corporate/institution?

Solutions for Corporate

Solutions for Corporate

Empower your employees with better English with our comprehensive English training programme. Our training programme will equip your staff to communicate confidently in any professional context.

Contact us

Solutions for Institutions

Students with good communications skills get placed first and move up faster in their career. Our power packed English training programme will measurably improve their communication skills.

Contact us
Solutions for Institutions

General contact / support

Whatsapp or Phone +91 9789883344 Email info@steptest.in

Operational hours

10AM - 7.30PM (Weekdays)

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Visit our Help Center

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