What is a misquote? A misquote means to repeat something someone has said in a way … Can you score 8/8 in this misquote quiz?Read more
English Quiz
Vocabulary Pop Quiz
You could strengthen your vocabulary by reading, using a Thesaurus, writing new words in a journal, … Vocabulary Pop QuizRead more
What’s the ‘One Word’ Quiz
English is a language that has words to describe many things. You can use a lot … What’s the ‘One Word’ QuizRead more
They come in threes quiz
There is something magical about the power of three! Think about it — The Three Musketeers, … They come in threes quizRead more
Can you score 10/10 in this English quiz?
If you love quizzes, then this one is for you! Even better, this is a short, … Can you score 10/10 in this English quiz?Read more