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STEP scores: Benchmarked, mapped and compared

STEP test

You’ve taken the STEP test.

If you are curious about how your STEP score compares internationally, then this article will give an insight.

The STEP Plus English certification exam is benchmarked to international standards and periodically tested for validity. Using consistent test protocols, STEP scores have been shown to be statistically significant and highly correlated to peer benchmarks (e.g. R2>0.42 at n>=25)

STEP test validity

STEP questions are leveled against the CEFR and calibrated across multiple measures:

Score regression analysis against “external” peer benchmarks (focus groups of participants who take both the STEP and the IELTS, Versant, AMCAT, or TOEFL[1]) and “within-test” measures (e.g. expected % correct by user level.)

AI auto-calibration comparing predicted level of selected (e.g. trial or practice pool) segments against actual user performance;

Independent review of STEP student submissions and in-person interviews of sampled test takers by trained IETLS/Trinity examiners, including “blind” sampling and manual scoring of user submissions flagged as potentially deviating from quality parameters (e.g. re-score tests without level information where domain scores vary significantly from overall participant or cohort group scores);

Auditable dashboard showing answers and scoring decisions for all test submissions taken by institutional users.

An approximate table mapping STEP scores to other scales, based on STEP research, is shown below:

STEP scores to other scales

Note: Indian participants score slightly higher (0.2-0.45 STEP levels) on STEP than international tests due to the contextual nature of the question pool, i.e. Indian test takers perform better on test items with Indian contexts and accents vs. British or neutral contexts and accents.

STEP test calibration

[1] IELTS, Versant, AMCAT, TOEFL, et. al. are registered trademarks of University of Cambridge ESOL, the British Council, IDP Education Australia, Pearson, Aspiring Minds Assessment Pvt. Ltd, and Educational Testing Service (ETS). Their use in this document is for comparative purposes only and In no way implies endorsement, affiliation, or approval by the trademark owners.

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