What is a misquote?
A misquote means to repeat something someone has said in a way that is inaccurate. We use quotes to prove a point or emphasize our thoughts.
We have chosen to feature 5 famous quotes that was written to mean one thing and is repeated to mean something else. The changes, while being subtle, have an enormous impact on the meaning of the quote.
1. A rose by any other name smells just as sweet
Now we all think this is what Shakespeare said.
The actual quote written by William Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet is: “That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet.” This quote suggests that names don’t hold worth or meaning, they’re labels to distinguish one thing or person from another. If you ask us what’s the difference, we have a question for you. What is the difference between word and name?
2. Money is the root of all evil
We’ve heard this from our parents or friends who had tight purse strings. Do you know this quote came from the Bible and this is what it actually says: “The love of money is the root of all evil.”
According to the Bible, there is nothing wrong with money, but when money starts to control our actions, that’s when it becomes evil. In the wrongly repeated quote, we specifically pinpoint that money, the possession itself, is the root of all evil.
3. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing
While this quote is attributed to the right person, Alexander Pope, the words have been twisted. His original statement was: “A little learning is a dangerous thing.” This is where the nuances of vocabulary play a huge role. ‘Knowledge’ is the theoretical aspect and learning is the practical. Is having a little theoretical knowledge dangerous or a little practical knowledge dangerous? You decide.
4. Blood is thicker than water
Another Bible quote that’s been edited because the original contains a word that is hard for common man use. The real verse is: “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” When written, in old times, it meant bloodshed in battle bonds soldiers more strongly than genetics. While we use this to refer to family, it doesn’t at all!
5. The proof is in the pudding
The original version of the proverb goes back to the 14th century. It reads: “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” It meant that you have to try a dish to know whether it was good. Now think of the misquote made in the 1920s, the one we often repeat. Why would you hide proof inside pudding? Not only is it a senseless place to keep it in, it would also be needlessly messy.
Which of these quotes were you guilty of misquoting?