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How to read a book? 4 Step Beginners Guide!

How to read a book
How to read a book

We all read books.

Did you know there are different ways to read a book!

Did you know there is a difference between reading for understanding and reading for information?

Reading for information is like knowing the existence of the word doodle. Reading for understanding would be to understand the meaning of the word doodling as well as understand how doodles are used around the world as a form of expression.

Mortimer Adler wrote a book on reading. He wrote about how reading a Danielle Steel novel is not the same as reading Plato. He wrote that unless you master a level, you can’t move to the next.

More importantly, he said that choosing the level of reading before you start reading a book can change your book experience.

Here are the four levels of reading he identified:

Level 1: BASIC – “What does the sentence say?”

This is what we learned at school. When you are trying to learn a language, this is how you begin understanding it. You start understanding word-by-word and then trying to piece together the meaning of the sentence.

When do you use it? When you’re learning a language or when you’re just beginning to read.

Level 2: INSPECTIONAL – “What is the book/article about?”

You use the inspectional style when you want information in a hurry or when you’re reading to pass time. You could either be systematically skimming or reading superficially.

The systematic skim – This is what you do when you see a long article. To check if it is appealing, you scroll through the article and read the subhead. If they appeal to you, then you read the first 50 words of the introduction. You’ll move on to each subheading and read through to the end of the article.

When do you use it? When you don’t have the time to read it completely or when you the need the information in a hurry.

The superficial reading –  You just read. You don’t stop anywhere, you don’t process any information, you just go from word-to-word, page-to-page, without stopping anywhere. It’s about going forward and not about understanding. You don’t think about the author’s perspective or highlight any sentence. You just keep going.

When do you use it? When you’re reading for entertainment, relaxation, and information. For instance, you read the newspaper and simply absorb someone’s opinion.

Level 3: ANALYTICAL – Understand the article in-depth

This is when you read completely and is the best kind of reading. You need to have a lot of time and energy to read at this level. You read this way when you want to understand what you read in totality.

You question how the author has thought about and debate within about what is presented. Upon completion, you’ll understand the book as well as the author’s perspective of the subject.

For instance, reading a book on capitalism, will give you an insight into only Milton Friedman’s perspective on the topic. To be unbiased and get a broader understanding, you’ll have to do comparative reading.

LEVEL 4: COMPARATIVE READING – Compare and contrast ideas

Once you’ve finished reading Milton Friedman’s ‘Capitalism and Freedom’ and go on to read more books on capitalism like ‘The World Is Flat’ by Thomas Friedman or ‘India Unbound’ by Gurucharan Das, you are practising comparative reading. In this style of reading, you compare each authors’ style, presentation of ideas and arguments and, choice of vocabulary.

Comparative reading is demanding and complex. You’ll have to understand the terms used in the book, find answers to your questions on the topic, most important, form an opinion based on your reading.

When do you use it? We’ve all used comparative reading when we were in college. Unless you’re still in college, a researcher, or just plain curious, comparative reading is used lesser in every day reading.

At the end of the day, we read to learn, to know, to find answers to our questions. The next time you pick up a book or an article, ask yourself, “What do I want from this book?”. What you want from the book will determine the amount of time you’ll spend, the way you read and process information, and your experience with the book itself.

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