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The gifts of fluency in English at the workplace

Better English at work

Without language one cannot talk to people and understand them; one cannot share their hopes and aspirations, grasp their history, appreciate their poetry, or savour their songs.” ~ Nelson Mandela

Whether you’re just beginning your career, or looking for your next promotion, speaking and writing fluently in English can be the one thing that takes you forward. Learning the English language can lead you to some of the greatest gifts in your life.

The gift of better expression

Mastering English, both verbal and written, allows you to write better emails, discuss problems and solutions more fluently and offer constructive feedback.

The gift of good conversation

Learning to read will give you access to information. Sharing trivia, quotes and information from the books you read will make you an interesting person to speak to.

The gift of a powerful network

You will become naturally curious and a keen listener earning you a great number of friends. All these friends will form a powerful network whom you can rely on professionally.

The gift of professional growth

Your natural skills coupled with the ability to communicate will allow you to climb the corporate ladder more quickly than your colleagues. The management will be able to trust you with bigger projects because of your powerful communication.

Learning the English language from books will only give us the technical knowledge of the language. Practising it, especially in environments where it isn’t the preferred language of communication, becomes very challenging. Online English language learning has been able to bridge this gap through the use of innovative teaching methods that incorporate fun into learning like speak along and role-play. You can learn important lessons on body language, tips and techniques to immediately improve your language and practise all that you’ve learned in an easy and effective way.

STEPathon 5, the easiest and fun way to learn the English language is here. Learn from real people and everyday situations. Learn English that you can use immediately. Read all about it here .

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