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How Mohan prepared for English for competitive exams

Mohan was very excited. He’d registered for the bank exam and was preparing for it. Growing up, Mohan had always heard about how much his father wanted to have a bank job but couldn’t pass the exam. It was his dream to pass the exam and get a job with a major bank anywhere in the country. He dreamed of becoming a bank officer and making his father proud. He could imagine the look of joy and pride on his parents’ faces when this dream of theirs came true. 

Mohan had always got good marks in English when he was in school and college, so he thought he would be able to sail through the English component. But the trouble started when he began preparing for the exam. He downloaded and tried to solve every model paper and papers from past years that he could find online.  

The questions looked simple enough when he saw them, but when he tried answering them and checking the answers, he realised they were not as simple as he thought they were. He got more answers wrong than right. He had a lot of doubts as he went through each question. How could he be sure which option was correct in the vocabulary multiple-choice questions?  

Surely, there was a reason one option made more sense, but Mohan could not find it. How did the para-jumbles work? Why did this paragraph follow that other one? The sentence rearrangement questions gave him nightmares. Why did all the words look like they could be used to start a sentence?  

If only there was someone to help with English for competitive exams. Mohan searched for classes that would help him with the English questions for competitive exams. Most of these classes were conducted in places very far away from where he lived. The ones that were close to his house had classes, but the timings did not match. 

Next, Mohan tried watching popular videos for bank exam prep and tried to solve the papers using their explanation. He would try to solve the questions along with the video and they seemed so easy then. But when he tried to answer other model answers, he discovered that the explanation given in the video worked only for that specific question and did not make sense for other questions of the same type.  

It was while he was sharing about his struggles about exam prep that Mohan’s friend, Sandeep, suggested a different approach. First, instead of trying to solve the entire paper, Sandeep suggested answering questions from the same section in all the papers.  

As Mohan always had trouble with the sentence ordering questions, he decided to start with these. These questions were tricky because any hints he could use, like a capital letter that would tell him it was the beginning of the sentence, were not there. All the explanations that he had found in model papers, and explanation videos just said to check if each sentence fragment made sense in context. 

But now, Sundeep told him to think of the basic rules of grammar that they had learned in school. The beginning of a sentence always needs to have a subject. The subject is the part of the sentence that tells us what it is about, or who or what is going to do something. The subject could be a noun, like the name of a person, or a place, or a thing. It could also be a pronoun like ‘he’, ‘she’, or ‘it’. Sandeep told Mohan to check for the sentence fragment that had something that looked like the subject and see if any other fragment could come after it. Once a fragment fit, Sandeep told Mohan to concentrate only on the second fragment. Which of the other two fragments could come after this? In case it didn’t feel like they would fit, Sandeep asked Mohan to start over. 

The trick was to get the first fragment right. After that, it was a quick check to see which of the other three fragments fit the first. Once he figured this out, all Mohan had to do was to select the correct order of sentence fragments from the options. 

The next time Mohan decided to practise the sentence rearrangement question, he followed Sandeep’s advice carefully. Even though more than one sentence had words that looked like the subject, such as nouns, he realised they were not what the sentence was about. This gave him the confidence to arrange the sentences and he managed to answer 4 out of 5 questions correctly in very less time! 

Now, Mohan felt ready to tackle the next question type in the exam. 

To understand how to solve sentence rearrangement questions easily and ace your UPSC or Bank exams, try STEP for Competitive Exams today. 

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