Myth: Introverts avoid small talk because they hate people.
Reality: They feel it is meaningless and creates a barrier between
Introverts are not interested in trivia. They naturally don’t have
the energy to have small talk and they usually don’t like to
talk for the sake of filling silences.
As an introvert, I’m sure you crave for deep insightful
discussions, but you cannot have one before striking up a conversation
and engaging in small talk. Being an introvert, small talks drain
you, right?
Yes, totally understandable. You cannot dive deep into a topic
without hitting it off with a person initially.
Here are 8 ways for you to start a conversation
successfully and without any anxiety. Go ahead read it completely and convert
all your small talk into an insightful conversation which you can enjoy.
8 Easy ways for you to strike up a conversation

1. Empathise more
The ability to understand a situation from another person’s
perspective plays an important role in our social lives. Let the other person
know that you’re listening to them with subtle nods and minimal usage of
lexical fillers.
The person you are trying to talk to, will feel better vibed and
find it more comfortable to talk to you. Kindness and warmth never go out of
style. When you are empathetic, it also shows that you are trustworthy and
easier to get along with. You’ll be ‘that’ one person who always
Putting yourself in others’ shoes will not only help you analyse
their situation, but would also help you personally when you face the
same. It is a predominant element in emotional intelligence. You not
only strike up a conversation efficiently, but also end
up building your emotional health.
Use phrases like:
“I hear you”
“This too shall pass”
“I know how you feel”
2. Enhance your listening skills
I’m sure you’re wondering why you need to enhance your listening
skills to start a conversation. But it is vital for you to work on
it. Everybody wants to talk and share their genius thoughts and ideas with
the world but who is ready to listen with patience? So, make it a point to
listen to others.
Naturally, as an introvert, I don’t think you will have a problem
with that. The more you listen, the more the other person will want to engage
in a conversation with you. Embody the adage “You have two ears and one mouth
for a reason”. Avoid interrupting or giving unsolicited
suggestions or advice. Everyone likes to be listened to, so listen intently. It
is also called mindful listening.
Do not listen just to make yourself a good listener, be genuinely
interested while listening.
3. Channel your thoughts

Being an introvert, I understand that it is hard to channel your
thoughts suddenly because you are not wired that way. Sudden situations and
turn of events can cause stimulation and that makes it difficult to channel
your thoughts and ideas. As this is the first step towards initiating a conversation,
make sure to think before you speak.
Remember that words once spoken, and hearts once broken cannot be
mended. So, always channel your thoughts and ideas before blurting them
out. Once you’ve processed it, say it out loud with clarity. Don’t
worry about stammering or stuttering because you will not, since your thought
process is all set.
Also, practice mindfulness to have an efficient thought process.
It is completely understandable that one cannot become a Zen master overnight,
but once you practice enough it’ll become second nature to you.
4. Keep your emotions under check
If you are an introvert and a highly sensitive person at the same
time, then you need to keep your emotions under check. Don’t get me
wrong; I’m not saying it is bad to be a highly sensitive person but it is
something you need to have the ability to handle.
Being sensitive or highly sensitive is something you are born
with. It is innate and that’s how you are wired. So, you don’t have to feel
ashamed or insecure about it. But it is not okay to let your emotions
jeopardize a conversation. Make sure you don’t let your emotions
influence the situation. Keep them under check and communicate with a
clear and affirmative tone.
5. Notice and recognize cues
A cue is a thing done or said as a signal. As an introvert, you
can look up for cues and learn to respond to them appropriately.
Here’s an example of a cue – If the person you are having a conversation with,
starts to fidget or looks zoned out from the topic it’s a cue for you to pause
talking or in extreme cases, stop talking. Introverts can be
often misinterpreted.
During a conversation, many times introverts can be
misinterpreted often by their facial expressions and are construed to be rude
or snobby. I’m sure being judged and labelled is the last thing you want.
6. Don’t be a critic
Never criticize or pass judgments while having a conversation.
Give the other person space and time to tell what they want to say. And when
you don’t criticize, the other person will find it easier to share
something with you.
It is okay to be critical about the topic you are discussing but
don’t demean the other person or put them down. Criticism is an easy form of
ego defence. If you find that the other person is criticizing, then don’t play
a tit-for-tat. Voice your opinions without any
presumptions. Remember, you don’t want your conversation to turn into
an argument.
7. Be inquisitive
Trust me, this one is a saviour. When you ask more questions, it
shows the other person that you’re listening intently. It will be an efficient
way for you to deepen the conversation. Asking questions is going to give you
more time to think and respond. This helps you organize your response whilst
listening to the other person, too.
It’s going to be helpful to convert your small talk into a deep
and meaningful conversation. Not just that, let me give you a bonus
inside-pointer – when you ask the right questions to the right people, you’re
going to gather a huge amount of useful information. At the same time make
sure that you don’t ask too many questions or irrelevant questions.
The person you speak with, wants you to be equally
engaged in the conversation, so don’t make them uncomfortable with too many
questions. Also, it is important to note that
asking excessive questions will disrupt the flow of content for the
other person.
For example: When you ask about your co-worker’s weekend don’t
just ask something like
“Hey, how was your weekend?” Instead ask “Hey, what did
you do over the weekend?”
The latter form of the question can get you a more detailed answer
and can keep the conversation going.
8. Be Purposeful
Don’t talk for the sake of talking. Have a purpose. In fact, this
is the key point in converting a small talk into a long conversation.
When you have a purpose, you express deep interest and that
shows you want to engage in a conversation. Remember that small talk can deepen
your conversation to a whole other level. So, don’t approach small talk with a
dull or pointless perception. Understand that small talk isn’t superficial.
Once you start exploring the layers, you’ll be able to have a better
There we go! Now you know the simple effective ways for you to
strike up a conversation effectively and efficiently. The next time you
approach a person with a motive to start a conversation you don’t have to be
anxious or worried. With these 8 ways, you are never going to find yourself at a loss
for words.