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How to write an effective business email

Before we answer the question on the rules for an effective business email, let’s start with some statistics.

Each day, the average professional receives 121 emails and sends out 40.
66% of email is read on mobile devices.
33% of mobile users say they’ve read an email based on its subject line.

Our inbox is flooded with information and it is critical to write good emails. An effective business email is as successful as its structure. Here are two questions to ask yourself before you begin writing an email:

1. Why am I writing this email?
2. What do I need from the recipient?

Time needed: 3 minutes.

So here is a step by step guide on how to write an effective business email.

  1. Writing for skimming

    For starters, a good email has a clear purpose. An email that has its purpose stated right at the beginning helps the recipient understand why he received an email. 70% of readers skim through an email. Using bullet points and sub-headings will help present information so it can be picked while skimming.

  2. The first line

    Long emails make it hard for the reader to understand the main point. If your email is informational, then state it explicitly, right at the top. For instance, if you’re summarizing the points discussed in a meeting, let the first line be – Here are the main points we discussed in today’s meeting. If you are seeking a response, then give them a time line. For instance, let the first line be – Would you want the presentation by Friday? If yes, please let me know by Wednesday 3pm at the latest.

  3. The writing style

    Don’t write an email like you speak. Don’t even write an email like a report or a book. Writing an email requires a different approach. Long and poorly constructed sentences confuse the reader. A work email is about communicating, not a show of your English vocabulary. Keep it as simple as possible and remember the purpose of your email. Keep the wording simple and straightforward so that it is not open to interpretations.

  4. Editing and proofreading

    After you’ve written the email, read your message multiple times. See if you can find ways to say the same things with fewer words. Trim unnecessary words and make the email as concise as possible. A reader can’t read the tone of your voice in an email. It is better to save humour and sarcasm for a face-to-face conversation.

    If your email is long, ensure you repeat the important points at the end. Even if the reader has skipped through your email, the last few lines will still communicate the essence.

Here are some instances when you shouldn’t send an email:

  1. When you want a quick response
  2. Message needs to remain confidential
  3. Delivering bad news

Alternatively, you can also get on a phone call, and then document the points discussed through email.

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Do you have a formula when you send emails? let us know in comments!

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