Imagine you want to improve your communication and tell a friend/colleague. They give you one piece … 6 Best tips to choose a book to read!Read more
6 absurd things Indians say in matrimonial ads
With all the chatter about the Indianisms at home and work, we were surprised to find … 6 absurd things Indians say in matrimonial adsRead more
The next step for English learners in India
STEP works with thousands of English language learners every day. These learners have lots of questions, … The next step for English learners in IndiaRead more
How was your weekend?
You’ve had an ordinary weekend and now you have Monday morning blues. While you’re desperately looking … How was your weekend?Read more
Begin writing right
“I’ve written this. Would you check if it is okay? We are never confident of what … Begin writing rightRead more
Vocab Boost!
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning … Vocab Boost!Read more
The Staircase Workout
What’s fitness got to do with language you ask? It’s a great way to exercise the … The Staircase WorkoutRead more