Should I prepare for a Phone Interview? Why? I’m going to nail it! Uh-oh. I don’t think so. … How to Prepare for a Phone Interview – Step by Step GuideRead more
How to crack IBPS Clerk Prelims 2019 in 30 Days by Jackson – Expert Trainer for IBPS Exams
Worried about cracking IBPS Clerk Prelims? Jackson explains the right way to prepare and crack the exam within 30 days. Clear IBPS Clerk Prelims with ease!
14 Things Not to Do During Competitive Exam Preparation
If you are reading this, then you want to appear for the competitive exams coming up. All … 14 Things Not to Do During Competitive Exam PreparationRead more
Can you score 8/8 in this misquote quiz?
What is a misquote? A misquote means to repeat something someone has said in a way … Can you score 8/8 in this misquote quiz?Read more
Vocabulary Pop Quiz
You could strengthen your vocabulary by reading, using a Thesaurus, writing new words in a journal, … Vocabulary Pop QuizRead more
What’s the ‘One Word’ Quiz
English is a language that has words to describe many things. You can use a lot … What’s the ‘One Word’ QuizRead more
They come in threes quiz
There is something magical about the power of three! Think about it — The Three Musketeers, … They come in threes quizRead more
Can you score 10/10 in this English quiz?
If you love quizzes, then this one is for you! Even better, this is a short, … Can you score 10/10 in this English quiz?Read more
7 English words that came from Tamil
The words that make a language not only have meaning, but also cultural context. A web … 7 English words that came from TamilRead more
3 questions you need to answer before you begin reading a book
We all want to read, but starting this process is the challenge. Book suggestions come from … 3 questions you need to answer before you begin reading a bookRead more