Learn the actionable tips on how to write a professional email. Here are the 7 common mistakes which you should avoid while writing a professional email.
Business English
The secret to master business English is finally here. Under this section you will learn how knowing the right words can help you master corporate English effectively.
A hiring manager reveals the big mistakes in a résumé
If you are looking for a job, here is a conversation with a hiring manager who … A hiring manager reveals the big mistakes in a résuméRead more
How to write an effective business email
Before we answer the question on the rules for an effective business email, let’s start with … How to write an effective business emailRead more
10 things not to say in a job interview
Good Dress. Check. Hair in the right place. Check. Good shoes. Check. Sharp look. Check. Correct … 10 things not to say in a job interviewRead more
The 4 point email
Priya: Ah there you are Prakash. Do you remember our last conversation? Prakash: Of course, I … The 4 point emailRead more
The three important elements of a good email!
Priya: That Kripa! She wrote an e-mail to our Senior Manager. My boss is so proud … The three important elements of a good email!Read more
3 big interview mistakes you can avoid
1 corporate job receives 250 resumes. 4 to 6 people are called for an interview and … 3 big interview mistakes you can avoidRead more
4 writing rules for a one-page resume
Studies have shown that recruiters take only 6 seconds to scan each resume. And 6 seconds … 4 writing rules for a one-page resumeRead more
9 common Indianisms to avoid at work
When our previous Indianism blog post went viral, we began paying attention to the conversations around … 9 common Indianisms to avoid at workRead more
How to talk to your interviewer
A friend once said, “Just like you need a Raymond’s suit to be a complete man, … How to talk to your interviewerRead more