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We are the Emerging EdTech Company of the Year

online English learning app

We have just been awarded the Emerging EdTech Company of the Year by EdTech Review. EdTech Review is a community of and for everyone involved in education technology to connect and collaborate both online and offline. We have been recognised for being the next big thing in education with a potential to make learning fun and engaging through our English language learning app and website.

India has an INR 30-45,000 crore English language training market. Neighborhood English teachers, institutions to newer players like free language apps all compete for market share. The biggest challenge is bringing context to learning, especially in a non-English speaking environment.

STEP has gained a reputation as India’s only adaptive language learning course. STEP courses are an immersive learning experience set in an Indian cultural context. While building the course, our team has ensured that the teaching methodology covers the key areas of language proficiency: reading, writing, speaking, listening. Through webisodes, exercises, practice sets and assessments, users have achieved a higher level of English proficiency swiftly. We have harnessed the power of technology to make these exercises and tests adaptive to the users’ level of learning. A user who is displaying a deficiency in reading will receive higher reading exercises to practice. The speaking related assignments are in-built with speech recognition abilities.

STEPathon, our flagship product was launched in March 2016. Within nine months, we have completed another three more editions and have over 10,000 learners who loved the innovative methodology and marathon training style.

We have since built customer-specific products for individuals, schools, colleges, corporates and even a course specifically for teachers to diminish their knowledge-language delivery gaps. We also have a mobile application, and one lakh users have downloaded our English language learning app.

We thank all our users, schools, colleges, corporates and government agencies who have been part of this journey. We hope to continue the good work in the coming years, for, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

We have won another award! Read about our INMA Global Media Award.