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How was your weekend?

How was your weekend?
How was your weekend?

You’ve had an ordinary weekend and now you have Monday morning blues. While you’re desperately looking for coffee, someone asks you, “How was your weekend?”

Before you growl, snap at them, give them a boring answer, or get tongue-tied, see it as an opportunity to practice the art of powerful descriptions. It is hard, especially on a Monday morning, but it can change the course of your day, perhaps even your week.

…it was productive” if you were just tidying your space, doing laundry and groceries.

…it was insightful” if you were having deep conversations with your family or were reading something interesting.

…it was family time and me time” if you enjoyed time with family.

…the world wide web kept me enthralled” if you’ve spent two days on the internet just going from one page to another.

…it was a peaceful and quiet two days” if it’s just been you, the TV and Swiggy.

Bring in a new word every Monday to describe your weekend. Definitely a positive word. You’ll be opening new conversations and becoming a ray of sunshine on a bleak Monday morning. Whatever it is, say it in style.