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How to get started with learning English

How to get started with learning English

“So, I’ll see you at the annual team off-site in September?”

A seemingly normal question by his boss, but one that scared Adit greatly. The offsite was where Adit would meet the entire India team of his company. He’d have to mingle with senior level managers and other top executives, make small talk with them. September was till at least 3 months away, but just the thought of having to meet so many people and talk to them in English made Adit break out in a sweat. He wished there was some way he could magically learn everything he needed to, as he knew there was no other way he would learn. Do you also find yourself in a situation just like Adit? Here’s how you can get started with learning English.

Ravi wanted to get started with learning English      

Get started with learning English

Learning a language does not have to be difficult. Think of the time when you learned how to ride a bicycle as a child. Did you know how to use all the brake and to balance from the first minute? No. You started small. You started by sitting on the cycle, trying on the pedals while an adult held the cycle. You learned how to balance while using the training wheels. And soon you could cycle away to your friend’s house with no problem at all! 

Tips to get started with learning English

Think of language learning just like this: a skill. You start working on it a little by little and soon, you’ll be able to use your newly acquired skill without much thought. Here are some tips to get you started with learning English.  

Set goals 

What do you want to learn? If, like Adit, you want to learn how to make short, casual conversation in English, then make that your goal. Keep these goals small, or break them up. For example, learning to speak with confidence, learning to speak accurately, learning English for the workplace, etc.. This way, you already have a clear goal in mind and can work towards it. This will also help you set your expectations. 

Get started with learning English

Have a reasonable deadline 

Adit had a deadline. His team’s off-site event was in 3 months and he had to be prepared within this timeline. This kind of deadline can be broken up further into smaller goals. For examples learning how to introduce yourself and talk about what you do, and what you like can be your learning goal the first week. Your daily interaction with people and words to talk about them can be the goal for the next week, and so on. Having short, achievable deadlines, where you will complete a set of tasks is very important especially when you get started with learning English. This is because, as you complete each task and see the progress that you have made, you will feel motivated to keep the habit. 

Set deadlines for learning English

Work through the doubt 

One of the biggest challenges while learning a new skill, or trying to make something a habit is the doubt that creeps up. If one online lesson was difficult, or if one coach call assignment made you spend more time than you thought, don’t feel discouraged or decide to stop your learning. You can try watching the lesson again to understand the concept better, or talk to your tutor to see why the assignment was difficult. Studies show that at least 77% of the people who decide to start a new habit stop halfway because of doubts or other small hurdles they come across. So, identify the different things that might make you want to stop and set up some alternatives that will help you keep moving forward.  When you are getting started with learning English ask your doubts

Use a variety of resources–keep boredom away 

It happens to all of us. When we are trying to learn something new, everything is exciting and new for the first few days or weeks. After that, boredom sets in, and we get stuck. One way to keep boredom away is to use a variety of resources to learn. When you are trying to make learning English a habit, you could buy a course that teaches this skill through different ways. For example, through online lessons, live online classes and one-to-one coach calls. This way, you can watch an online lesson one day, attend a live class another day, and book a coach call the third day. That means, you have already practised 3 times in one week! Here are three things you should look for in an English speaking course.Use a variety of resources to learn English

Practise regularly 

This is a very important point while learning a new skill. You need to use it regularly and keep practising to make it a habit. One way to do this when you are learning English is to talk to your friends in English. You might make mistakes, but that’s alright! You can correct them, but still keep going. If you are doing an online course, you could try the modules that have speaking practice exercises. Talk to your tutor in English. Read newspapers, online articles and blogs in English and discuss them with your friends. Doing this will help you start thinking in English and ultimately make it natural for you to use it constantly.  

Do you want to start your English learning journey with STEP? Then join us for Speak with Confidence program.

STEP for English speaking course

About us

STEP is an English learning platform by The Hindu Newspaper. Over the years, we have created English courses focusing on the needs of our learners. We provide personalised online coaching for job seekers, working professionals, competitive exam aspirants, college and school students.

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