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10 Tips to Boost your Vocabulary

Boost your Vocabulary.

Good at English? That’s great. But still using the obvious basic words? Not-so-cool. Improving your vocabulary is very much necessary in this competitive world. Convinced? All right let’s boost your vocabulary. But how?


  1. Read, read and read. 
  2. Bond with Dictionary and Thesaurus 
  3. Use it or forget it 
  4. One word a day 
  5. Speaking and Listening 
  6. Analyze and Associate 
  7. Maintain your personal Lexicon 
  8. Play and Learn 
  9. Visualize them 
  10. Don’t go overboard! 

Read, read and read. 

Isn’t this the most obvious tip? Yes, because it is the easiest and essential tip to boost your vocabulary. It’s easy to spot a new word anywhere in this world. But reading it in reference with some context would give you some leverage against that word.  

To spot such words, you don’t have to habituate yourself to read the big old classics or any fancy book. You would be surprised to find the number of new words that will be found in your news daily or your everyday magazine. 

Bond with the Dictionary or Thesaurus 

Everyone might think this is an exhausting process but think about it. How did you really know the meaning for every word back in the day? A dictionary. A hard-cased heavy dictionary. 

A dictionary is usually seen as a book with extra weight and many of us don’t use a thesaurus. Did you know that many of the fancy or right words are found in the thesaurus? So, don’t panic when you read a word you didn’t know, it probably means the same as the simple word you know. I suggest you start bonding with these two. 

Use it or forget it 

This almost sounds like fight-or-flight, right? It is. As suggested, you’ve started to read and skim for new words. After finding them, you have also used the dictionary or thesaurus. That’s great! You’re discovering new words, but does this improve your vocabulary? No. 

Unless and until you implement these words in your sentences every day, you will not get a hang of it nor will you be able to boost your vocabulary. 

One Word a Day 

It all starts on one day – the urge to improve your vocabulary. We all focus so much on that single day and we decide to procrastinate the same amount of effort for the other days. Instead of focusing to develop your vocabulary on a single day, let’s split the effort fairly and easily. 

Try to learn one new word every day with respect to its context and use this word in your conversations. This is not much of a difficult task considering that many websites offer word-a-day calendar or your list of words to learn – which is a great technique many people use to learn new words. 

Speaking and Listening 

Simply talking with other people can help you in discovering new words. As with reading, once you hear a new word, remember to jot it down so that you can study it later — and then slowly add the new word to your vocabulary. It can be easier if you prefer the topics that interest you most, about which you would remember every detail. 

Analyze and Associate 

There may be an infinite number of words but there is a higher probability of us coming across the same word multiple times. Every time you come across that word, it may be in a different context or at least in a different sentence. This might make you feel like you know that word, yet you don’t. 

At such times, it is recommended to analyze the word and the whole meaning of the sentence. Try and dissect the sentence into multiple fragments and rule out the words (of those you know the meaning). Now, associate the meaning across situations and sentences. 

Maintain your Personal Lexicon 

Your own lexicon would be more customized and it’s a good idea to keep a list of the new words you discover so that you can refer to the list and slowly build them into your everyday vocabulary. Plus, keeping a journal of all your new words can supply positive reinforcement for learning even more words — especially when you can look at the number of new words you’ve already learned. 

Play and Learn 

Learning new words? Boosting up the vocabulary? It all seems important but sounds boring. It may sound boring, but you can learn it – the fun way! 

There are tons of word games waiting to be discovered, which can rouse your knowledge and challenge you at the same time. Try downloading these fun-word games onto your mobile / PC, which might help you unwind after a busy day. 

Visualize them 

We are done – reading, learning and a fun way to do these but how well do remember them?  

When I say “A for…” you have an image of the shining red apple blink in your head. How did that happen? Because you visualized it, associated the image with the word. For example, take the word ‘hypocrite’. Let’s split it into ‘hypo’ and ‘crite’ (which can be related to the critic) 

Hypo usually means under (like the words hypothermia, hypothyroid, etc.). When we combine both the fragments, we get ‘under-critic’ or a critic who is not up to his mark.  

The actual meaning of hypocrite – a person who pretends to be in a certain way but acts and believes the complete opposite. Seems close enough? 

Don’t go overboard! 

As mentioned earlier, it is important to equally distribute your effort over time. It is advised that you not to go overboard with your learning process and took it slow. Remember – slow and steady wins the race! 

Play this quiz to test your basic vocabulary!

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