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5 Famous Misquotes -You need to Know!

Did you also use these misquotes?

Have you watched kids play ‘Passing the secret’? Well, a few weeks back I did, and I can paint a picture for you. 

Child 1: “I went to the Grand Canyon last year with my parents and grandparents.” 

Child 2: “I went to the Grand Canyon with my parents and grandparents last year”. 

Child 3: “I went to the Grand Canyon last year”. 

It’s basically the same sentence that’s passed as a secret from one person to another. But as you can observe, the entire sentence is manipulated and its meaning changes. 

We use quotes to prove a point or emphasize our thoughts. Although, it is human to err.  A misquote means to repeat something someone has said inaccurately. 

Despite the subtle changes, it has an enormous impact on the meaning of the quote.   

Let’s start with the most popular misquote  

1. A rose by any other name smells just as sweet. 

The right quote: 

“A rose by another name would smell as sweet.”

This is a popular reference to William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. In a scene, Juliet seems to argue that it does not matter that Romeo is from her family’s rival house of Montague, that is, that he is named “Montague”.  

This quote is often used to imply that names do not hold any worth. They are just labels that evolve with time. Labels which are used to distinguish one thing from another. 

The quote is indeed true.  

  2.  Money is the root of all evil. 

The right quote:   

“For the love of money is the root of all evil.”

This is a verse from the Holy Bible. It holds an implicit meaning. Love and greed for money will make a man go to any extent even to the point of committing a sin. But it has always been misused that money itself is the cause of all evil.  

 If greed is greater than compassion, there will always be suffering.  

There’s nothing wrong with money. But when it starts to control our actions that’s when it makes a man do evil things. Specifically, the possession of money itself is not a bad thing. 

3. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.  

The right quote:

“A little learning is a dangerous thing.” – Alexander Pope. Essay on Criticism, in 1709.  

Knowledge and Learning cannot be used interchangeably because the nuances of vocabulary play a major role. Knowledge refers to the theoretical concepts that one knows. Whereas  

Learning refers to practical aspects.  

The words are twisted, and the difference is very subtle. Still, a misquote is a misquote. Pope meant that one can become falsely overconfident about his expertise on a subject.  

A person should do extensive research before calling oneself an expert on something.  

4. Blood is thicker than water. 

The right quote: 

“The blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb.” 

Oh yes! It is a misquote. We’ve all been saying it the wrong way. This the most common misquote we’ve been using for such a long time now. This original verse changed over time because the pronunciation of the covenant was not easy for laymen.  

It is commonly used to emphasis on family ties. But it means the bloodshed by soldiers’ bond them stronger than simple genetics.  

It doesn’t refer to family at all.  

5. The proof is in the pudding.  

The right quote:  

“The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” 

The origin of this quote goes back in time to the 14th century. It means that you must try a dish to know whether it was good.  

It precisely means that one shouldn’t jump to conclusions. The misquote gives a totally different meaning. Why would someone hide proof in a pudding?  

Which of these were you guilty of misquoting? Share them in the comment section with us.