Just read. Read as much as possible.
That’s the advice people give when you want to improve your language.
Whether it is reading an email or a recipe, directions or a letter, reading impacts your life every day. Reading will not only improve your understanding, it will also help you write better. Here’s how to improve your reading skills right now.
#1. The setting
To begin, create a warm and happy atmosphere to read. The terrace, a couch, a cozy corner of your room – take your pick. What is important is to not have the TV blaring or your cell phone pinging with distractions. Read every day at a fixed time. Whether it is the first thing in the morning or after dinner or before bedtime, make it a daily practice.
#2. Touch the sentence
Become tactile while reading. Let your index finger run across the sentence while you read. This will help you keep your concentration and keep your focus on one word at a time. Once you get comfortable, try reading the banners and billboards while traveling. Read the signs on passing buses and trains. Reading while objects are moving will also help build your speed reading capabilities.
#3. Try out new words
While reading, pick out new words and make a note of them. If possible, write them down on a calendar. At the end of the year, you would have 365 new words. Try using it in your daily conversations. Make it your secret word for the day and try sneaking it into different conversations. It will allow you to get creative with using it in different contexts.
#4. Stay on topic
If you want to learn popular words on a particular subject, begin to read books related to that topic at your level. Like astronomy? Read books on space adventures as a starter and build from your strength.
#5. The sound of words
Hearing your voice can help memory retention, thus making you become comfortable with language pattern. Do not read to compete. Read slowly, try and understand the concept and see the construction of sentences and the language used. If you are uncomfortable reading out loud, read in front of a mirror to yourself. If that does not work, have a toy or an object that you can read to.
Watching videos help you learn the sound, rhythms and patterns of the language while watching the face and listening to the voice.
#6. Read at your level
Finding the level to read is tricky. You could search for books online. Sometimes, revisiting the books you read as a child can help you see things differently. If you are a beginner, choose books with pictures in them. Pictures will help you guess where the story is going and even help you with your vocabulary. Easier still would be to read book series which have one or more recurring characters. My favourite books growing up was Amar Chitra Katha. What’s yours?
#7. Write too
Writing would also help in increasing language as you would know which words you need to learn or the ones you don’t know. Try writing an alternate ending to any of the stories you are reading. Imagine what would happen to your character if s/he had chosen differently. Some of the best movies are made rethinking a perspective.
Let the reading begin!
Things to notice while reading:
New words
Sentence structure
Sound of words – Ring-ring; splat, whoosh
Figure of speech – raining cats and dogs
Metaphors – black sheep, cold feet
Photo Credit: Photo by Prasanna Kumar on Unsplash