“Give me a word, any word, and I’ll show you that the root of that word is Greek! Kimono, kimono, kimono… Ha! Of course! Kimono is coming from the Greek word himona, it means winter. So, what do you wear in the wintertime to stay warm? A robe. You see; Robe, Kimono.”
That’s Gus Portokalos from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. If Gus was a Greek to his roots, we also have the right to add our own desi spins to English. Which of the ones listed have you not heard before? Have you ever said any of these common Indianisms (we’ll call it desi-isms) to yourself?
1. Desi conversation starter – What is your good name?
Have you heard a bad name before? I’m guessing the answer is never. The next time you are tempted to say that, say this instead: “What’s your name?”
2. Desi Introduction – Myself Anjali. I belong to Hyderabad.
If you are introducing yourself, the best way to do it would be to say, “I am Anjali. I am from Hyderabad.”
This is because Myself is only used if you’ve already said I and you are referring to yourself again. For instance, I hurt myself accidentally. So, that way of introducing yourself is completely wrong.
Belong means to be the property of or a member of a group. For instance, that notebook belongs to Selva. Or, Kavya belongs to Toastmasters.
3. Desi apology – Sorry. Kindly adjust.
You stamp someone’s feet, you take something by mistake or hit someone unintentionally. A desi apology is an incomplete sentence that doesn’t convey anything, much less an apology. Watch yourself before you do it and say, “Excuse me. I am sorry for the inconvenience.”
4. Desi confirmations – I will intimate you.
The person who began this phrase must have really wanted to say inform, but instead decided to use intimate to sound cool. The result is very, very uncool.
Intimate means private and confidential. Next time around, do not intimate, simply say “Let me get back to you” or even, “Shall I check and inform you?”
5. Desi travel plans – I am going out of station.
Perhaps, if you were a British officer who worked for the East India Company and were leaving your duty station then this phrase would be right.
The better thing to say the next time you are travelling would be to say “I’m going out of town.” Perhaps you could practice it with those pesky call centre people offering you a credit card.
6. Desi email signoffs – Please do the needful.
If you’ve said that in your email, do not, we repeat DO NOT write this. If you’re stuck, just write ‘Thank you for your time’ instead or repeat the action you want completed like ‘Please send the details by 10.30 am.’
7. Desi location sharing – I’m here only.
Have you ever asked yourself what is the purpose of adding ONLY to a sentence? Is it for additional stress?
As tempted as you may be, put a ban on using the word “only” liberally in your sentences. “Only” must be used only in the right places like “I’ve got only these receipts” meaning those are the ones you have and not any other, or “I’ve only spoken to her” meaning I’ve spoken only to that girl and not any other.
With this list, we have told you what to look out for. Now it is your turn to practice speaking without making this errors.
Read this blog to know the Indianisms we must avoid at work.